Staff Reporters
11 November 2024, 8:00 PM
This summer will now see the return of the long-absent pontoon to Yankalilla Bay, following anonymous private funding to the local council.
At a special meeting on 5 November District Council of Yankalilla had voted to reject community funding through a Go Fund Me campaign to get the pontoon back into the water.
A report to the council said it could be repaired and reinstalled for the 2024-25 summer season at a cost of $9,000 more than the $5,000 allocated in the annual budget for seasonal installation and removal.
The Yankalilla & Normanville Progress Association spearheaded the community campaign to raise funds to meet the funding shortfall, exceeding the $9,000 target in 10 days.
Projected ongoing annual maintenance costs of around $11,000 were cited as the reason the council would not proceed with reinstallation of the popular swimming platform.
The council says there has been, “much community conversation, since the special meeting, at which it committed to exploring alternative funding sources through donations or sponsorship.
Mayor Darryl Houston says he is proud of community support for the pontoon.
“I am delighted to announce that, thanks to the incredible generosity of two anonymous donors contributing an additional $10,000, Council can now proceed with the necessary repairs and re-launch the pontoon into the waters of Normanville.”
This is on top of the funds raised by the Progress Association, which the council confirmed was still available.
“I am proud to serve a community that is so active and engaged, and I know the Elected Members and the team of staff at Council are excited to see the pontoon back in the water ahead of Christmas,” Mayor Houston says.
With funds now secured for this financial year, CEO Nathan Cunningham says discussions will continue on developing a long-term plan for managing and maintaining the pontoon.
The full update can be found on the council website.