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Basham bashes state budget

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Staff Reporters

09 June 2024, 9:22 PM

Basham bashes state budget

The state government unveiled its 2024 budget, last Thursday 6 June to sharp criticism from Finniss MP David Basham, who says it falls short for southern Fleurieu communities.

He says the budget reveals a disconnect between the government and the needs of the Victor Harbor to Goolwa and surrounding communities. 

“With inadequate healthcare solutions, axed infrastructure projects, and insufficient support for families and businesses, the budget fails to address the pressing needs of the region.”

Mr Basham is calling for more comprehensive and targeted measures to ensure the wellbeing and prosperity of all South Australians.

He says that while completion of the Southern Fleurieu Health Service Emergency Department, helipad upgrades, and safety treatments for Hindmarsh Tiers/Virgin Road will be very important for the community, they are continuations of existing plans by the former government  and are behind schedule.

Mr Basham acknowledges the new ambulance station at Tuck Reserve in Victor Harbor as a  positive step, however, he says it will do little to address ramping and the broader health service issues plaguing the state. 

He is concerned by the axing of the federally funded Victor Harbor overtaking lane south of Cut Hill. 

“This decision undermines road safety, exacerbating traffic issues in a growing community.” 

He asks where the allocated money will be spent instead?

Mr Basham is also critical of the budget’s lack of investment in the infrastructure needed to facilitate much-needed housing development.

“Without adequate infrastructure current developments cannot be finished and housing that should be, will not be available. 

“The removal of stamp duty is an incentive that will only benefit a small portion of the population in a position to purchase a newly built home, particularly given the existing delays and deficiencies in basic infrastructure necessary to complete homes in the Victor Harbor area.

“Without investment in the regional road network and maintenance, the growing population will face serious logistical challenges.”

Mr Bashan says the budget’s extension to public transport concessions applies only to the metropolitan public transport system, leaving regional areas without benefit once more, while cost-of-living measure will benefit very few people.

He welcomes the doubling of sports vouchers to $200 per student from next year and the addition of Scouts and music activities in addition to sports. 

“However, this does not address the larger financial burdens families face, such as higher mortgages and living costs.

“Under Labor, the typical South Australian family is now more than $20,000 worse off annually, due to higher mortgages, rents, energy bills, and grocery costs. 

“Small businesses are significant losers in this budget, with no measures to address rising operational costs or increase payroll tax thresholds, and a reduction in energy rebates. 

Mr Basham says the government doesn’t seem to know what regions need nor that the Victor Harbor/Goolwa and surrounding communities exist. 

“Disappointingly there has been no consultation and very little in this massive budget spend will touch the lives of voters in the electorate of Finniss.”

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