Staff Reporters
29 March 2024, 8:23 PM
Farmers will be forced to pay protection money under the Biosecurity Levy Bill, passed in the Parliament on 27 March, according to independent Federal MP for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie.
She voted against the Bill, saying it is yet another blow to the agriculture sector and a government run protection racket.
Ms Sharkie says the Bill imposes additional levies on the agriculture sector to pay for biosecurity measures that include monitoring imported products, but the importers of these products are not levied.
“It is nonsensical that the Government would impose a levy on those who are put at risk by imports and not impose any levy on those creating the risk, the decision is back to front."
She says the agriculture sector already pays levies and faces increasing regulatory burden.
"Biosecurity is critical for Australia's primary producers and for all of us that depend on local produce. I support our biosecurity framework, but government has to put its hand in their pockets if they are not prepared to charge the risk creators."
Ms Sharkie says there are 1,965 forestry and fishing businesses in Mayo, almost all small businesses with less than 20 employees.
"Not a single agricultural peak body supports this unfair levy. This is nothing more than a tax on farmers, and I urged the government to do the right thing and pull the bill."
"Unfortunately, the government didn't listen and now farmers will have to pick up the tab, it's unfair, it's unjust, and will add to the cost of production and ultimately the cost of living."