Staff Reporters
10 February 2025, 8:06 PM
Independent MP for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie introduced her Interactive Gambling Amendment (Know Your Losses Activity Statement) Bill 2025 in the House of Representatives yesterday, Monday 10 February.
She has urged the federal government to require all online gambling apps and websites to display real-time, user-friendly information about customers' net losses and wins, at all times.
This could be a banner on display at the top of the screen, similar to the mock up shown below.
Ms Sharkie held a joint press conference to discuss the Bill, along with Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, who seconded the Bill; CEO of the Alliance for Gambling Reform, Martin Thomas; and activist Jake Minear.
"With so many gambling apps and websites, and wall-to-wall gambling ads, it has never been easier to gamble away the roof over your head, without even leaving home,” Ms Sharkie says.
"Online gambling operators must share information about net wins and losses with their customers, but a monthly email that goes to the junk folder or data hidden at the back of an app is not as effective as a banner on screen, which would really keep this information at front of mind.
"With Australians losing $32 billion to gambling each year, I urge the Government to support my Bill to empower customers to make more informed decisions while wagering.
Minear proposed the idea in his submission to the Inquiry into online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm, chaired by the late Peta Murphy MP.
"People should have a right to total transparency, and never more so than with their own information.
"Saying ‘gamble responsibly’ does not stack up when Australians are losing a combined $32bn per annum.
"We need individuals to have the right to monitor their own financial position in real time, every time.
"Online gambling has provided so many companies with huge profits due to the technology and real time data insights into their customers' habits, yet that same technology and transparency has not been shared equally to truly benefit their customers.