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Double delight for Strathalbyn Softball seniors

The Fleurieu App

Anthony Tucker

11 February 2024, 9:30 PM

Double delight for Strathalbyn Softball seniors

Strathalbyn v Hills Heat Masters - ‘A’ Grade Women


Hills Heat Masters were up to bat first in the late game and great pitching by Tess Norris to catcher Bianca Pash produced a K2 with short stop Kim Cutting taking a catch along with second baser Ashlee Peterson to send Masters back to the dugout three up three down. Strath’s turn at bat produced singles to Cutting and Gab Martin with Rebekah Mayes hitting a double and with some great base stealing they brought home three runs with Masters making an out at first, pitcher Kel O’Brien taking a catch and finishing the innings off with a K2.

The second dig for Masters got O’Brien onto base with a hit to the outfield but she was left stranded there with Cutting taking another catch and two K2’s to hold them scoreless again. Strath got their bats working well for them with singles to B. Pash, Peyton Daniels, R. Mayes, Norris and Tash Mayes. Triples to Cutting and Martin and a home run to Kathy Pash bringing in eight more runs with Masters short stop Michelle Davis taking a catch, third baser Kate Adamson making the out at first and another K2 for the game.

Masters had a safe hit to Adamson in the third but a fielders choice by Martin picked her off at second with Daniels taking a quick catch and playing her base to catch the runner off the base for a double play ending the Masters innings without putting any runs on the board. Strath had hits to Daniels and Martin in the third but with tight fielding by Masters they could only bring one run home with Davis making an out at first and two K2’s to new pitcher/catcher combo of Meg Chaplin to Emily O’Brien ending the innings.

Masters were looking to get on the board in the fourth and included a safe hit to the outfield by Chaplin but she was left stranded on base with catches again to Peterson and Cutting and T. Mayes taking a catch at left field that ended the innings and the game that had Strathalbyn coming away with a convincing win 12 runs to Masters 0.

Strathalbyn v Hahndorf - ‘C’ Grade Women


Strathalbyn came in to bat first and had hits to Amber Crawford, Vanessa Kitto and Laura Sneath and with great base stealing they brought home two runs with Hahndorf’s short stop Celeste Paul on fire in the field making all three outs into the safe glove of first baser Jess Lovegrove. Hahndorf started their batting dig with a safe hit to the outfield by Rachel Crawford but they were unable to bring anyone home with Strath’s catcher A. Crawford and short stop Rebecca Sims picking her off at second, pitcher Amy Bailey making an out at first and also pitching a K2 to end the innings.

Strath’s second dig gained safe hits to Annabel McGregor, Lavinia Seymour and Tallera Spinks with Kitto having a day out and pushing to get her first home run which all helped to bring in four runs with Hahndorf’s Paul making another two outs at first and centre fielder Jordan Podzuweit taking a catch. Hahndorf’s Lovegrove hit a three baser but she was left stranded with Strath making two more K2’s and third baser Monica Spriggs making an out at first holding them scoreless again.

The third dig for Strath produced multiple safe hits and a two baser to Bailey and combined with some great base running and stealing they were able to bring home nine further runs to add to their tally while Hahndorf worked hard in the field with third baser Kerryn Liebelt making an out at first and Paul again in the mix taking a catch and making an out at first to end the innings. Hahndorf needed to get on the board and they did with Strath making a pitching/catching change. Safe hits to R. Crawford, Paul, Tammy Craig and Anna Bell pushed in three runs with Strath’s Bailey now at short stop taking two catches and A. Crawford now at centre taking a catch to end the innings and the game with Strathalbyn coming away with the win 15 runs to 3.

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