The Fleurieu App

Dusty the Wonder Dog

The Fleurieu App

Little Australian Stories

15 August 2020, 8:30 PM

Dusty the Wonder Dog A very special passenger enjoying whale watching. Photo courtesy of Leon Bignell.

Last Summer was a challenging and distressing time for many South Australians as temperatures soared and parts of the state succumbed to devastating bushfires.

The Kangaroo Island bushfires were un-relentless in their fury with much of the Island’s habitat and farmland reduced to ashes.

Homes, stock and people’s livelihoods destroyed within a matter of moments, an extremely sad and challenging time for all residents of Kangaroo Island.

Local MP for Mawson, Leon Bignell spent a lot of time on Kangaroo Island during the fires and the weeks following assisting the locals in any way possible.

Local islander Shane Leahy owner of Kangaroo Island Fresh Garlic and Lieutenant at the Parndana CFS returned to his property after being out tirelessly fighting fires to find absolute devastation. The ferocity of the fire storm that had passed through his farm had burnt his house, sheds and farm equipment to the ground. 

Shane held grave fears for his beloved farm dogs and the litter of 7 puppies that were left behind. 


But to Shane’s amazement Mum (Lucy), Great Grandma (Socks) and the 7 little Black and Tan Kelpie puppies had miraculously survived the fire storm.

Leon learning about this survival story felt so moved by this family of Kelpies surviving the fire storm that he return home to his lovely partner Karen to discuss the idea of having one of these miracle puppies.

Karen being an avid animal lover of course agreed and that’s how Dusty the Kangaroo Island Kelpie won the hearts of Karen and Leon.

Dusty is now only 8 months old but has packed a lot of activity in his first months of life.

Dusty spends most days travelling around the Fleurieu Peninsula with Leon as he visits and helps members of his local electorate. Dusty has become quite accustomed to the plush mattress in the back of the Toyota Prado, he is always happy and excited to go on his next adventure with Leon.

“Dusty has changed our lives,” says Leon, “The joy that he brings to our family and the people of the Fleurieu Community is what I love best.” 

Leon and his team created Dusty his own Facebook page during the harrowing time of the Kangaroo Island bushfires, as a positive distraction, beginning with the remarkable survival story of Dusty and his family. 

Dusty is now becoming a bit of a dog celebrity around the Fleurieu Peninsula.

In his own right Dusty is a figure of hope emerging from the sadness, fear and devastation of the Kangaroo Island bushfires.  He has an amazing love of life and he connects so well with the community. 

Dusty is a much loved visitor to Parliament and is often by Leon’s side during community and media events.  One of his first public speaking duties was visiting the full school assembly (pre Covid) at Tatachilla Lutheran college to share the story of the Kangaroo Island bushfires. Dusty takes his Public Relations duties all in his stride.

    Leon and Dusty on the steps of Parliament House.   Photo courtesy Leon Bignell.

Dusty visits the Pampered Pooch in Willunga for all of his grooming needs, then wonders down to the friendly team at the Willunga Vets to knock on the door for some of their tasty liver treats. 

He also recently enjoyed the experience of a Whale Watching Tour off the coast of Kangaroo Island with Leon and a group of very excited whale watchers, thanks to the kind people at Kangaroo Island Ocean Safari for considering Dusty as a very special passenger.

You too can connect with Dusty by following Dusty the Kangaroo Island Kelpie on Facebook.

If you are a garlic lover and wish to support the bounce back of Dusty’s farm and Kangaroo Island Fresh Garlic visit and order a bushfire bundle on line.

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