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Fire Danger Season starts on KI and Fleurieu

The Fleurieu App

Staff Reporters

15 November 2023, 1:39 AM

Fire Danger Season starts on KI and Fleurieu

It's time to be extra vigilant about bushfires with Fire Danger Season starting today, Wednesday 15 November and running until Tuesday 30 April 2024. 

“Due to forecasted extreme dry and hot weather conditions, the Country Fire Service (CFS) has declared Fire Danger Season early this year,” says Kangaroo Island Mayor Michael Pengilly. 

This summer, the council is urging all residents and visitors to the Island to be proactive, make sure they know when the CFS declares a Total Fire Ban Day and adhere to the restrictions that may prevent bushfires - and to have a Bushfire Action Plan. 

“Understanding what to do and how to act during Fire Danger Season could save your life,” Mayor Pengilly says.

The Fire Danger Rating system has changed. It's now simpler with clear actions to take. There are now four levels of Fire Danger Ratings: 

  • Moderate 
  • High 
  • Extreme 
  • Catastrophic 

During Fire Danger Season, the CFS declares the fire rating at 4.30pm every day for the following day. 

“On days when Extreme and Catastrophic ratings for Kangaroo Island are declared, Total Fire Bans are imposed, and restrictions apply,” Mayor Pengilly says. 

“We are asking everyone to be proactive and check the rating every day. Make sure you understand the fire rating by visiting the CFS website.” 

“Please note that on Catastrophic fire days, all campgrounds operated by the Council are closed,” he says. 

For a list of campgrounds operated by the council visit the website.

You cannot light a fire without a permit during Fire Danger Season or on a Total Fire Ban Day. 

For a complete list of restrictions including campfires, comfort fires and fires on beaches visit the CFS website

Mayor Pengilly says safety and survival during a bushfire will depend on how prepared people are and the decisions they make. 

“Making a choice when a bushfire threatens is too late,” he says. “Most people who die in bushfires die leaving their homes at the last moment. Leaving late is a deadly option. 

“A good plan will outline when you stay and defend your property and when you leave early. 

“Unexpected things can happen in an emergency, so you must adapt to changing circumstances and have a plan that will work in different situations.” 

More information and templates for a Bushfire Survival Plan are available from the CFS website

Mayor Pengilly says it is important that both residents and visitors to Kangaroo Island are prepared and ready for bushfires. 

“If you are unsure about how to prepare or act during a bushfire, contact the CFS or visit the website.” 

The Fire Danger Season has also started today, Wednesday 15 November, in the Mount Lofty fire district, which includes the Fleurieu Peninsula.

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