The Fleurieu App

Guardians of Feather and Peck.

The Fleurieu App

Little Australian Stories

11 November 2019, 7:30 PM

Guardians of Feather and Peck.Ollie and Bella

Guardians of Feather and Peck.

The free range chickens at Feather and Peck Pastured Free Range farms at Willunga and Yundi are kept safe and happy under the watchful eye of their guardian  Maremma dogs Ollie and Bella.

Maremma guardian dogs originate from central Italy where they have been long used as sheepdogs guarding off wolves for the shepherds. They have a natural protective instinct and will guard and protect whatever they have been bought up with as a puppy.

The Australian movie ‘Oddball’ starred a Maremma dog who watched over an endangered penguin population on Middle Island in Victoria.

Ollie 6 years old and Bella 10 years old were bought up with chickens, so being chicken guardians and caretakers is their full time focus.

Ollie and Bella are with their chickens 24 hours and day, 7 days a week, they love their way of life and are at their happiest when their chickens are happy and safe.

They are not keen on strangers or things out of the ordinary that may threaten their chickens.

Ollie and Bella tend to relax more during the day, ready to be alert and on duty at night keeping foxes and predators away.  This chicken sitting duo are really extraordinary working dogs.

Maremma dogs have a double coat which is weather resistant and water repellant, making these dogs very well equipped for living outside.

The chickens at Feather and Peck’s farms are happy and free to roam amongst the pastures under the watchful guard of Ollie and Bella giving these chickens the opportunity to forage for bugs, scratch in the dirt, eat grass and lay deliciously healthy eggs.

Ollie and Bella like to eat their dinner away from the chickens and are each given a couple of eggs a day as a tasty treat.

You can find these tasty Feather and Peck Pastured  Free Range eggs at the Willunga, Victor Harbor and Adelaide Farmer Markets and in select SA supermarkets as well as local cafes and restaurants.

Happy dogs with Happy chickens making Yummy eggs!

If you know of a special animal that lives and works on the Fleurieu Peninsula, we would love to hear about it.  Please drop a line to [email protected]

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