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Mixed day on the diamond for the Panthers

The Fleurieu App

Anthony Tucker

03 December 2023, 10:30 PM

Mixed day on the diamond for the Panthers

Hills Softball Association ‘A’ Grade Women (Strathalbyn v Redsox)

Redsox were up to bat first and they gained a couple of walks and a two baser to Marisha Branson which brought in two runs with Strath’s pitcher Peyton Daniels making an out at first, short stop Tash Mayes fielding and throwing to home for the out and second baser Ashlee Peterson also making an out at first. Strath also gained some walks in their first turn at bat and had one safe hit to Kathy Pash to bring in two runs with Redsox making two outs at first and a catch taken at short stop by Branson.

The second dig for Redsox produced safe hits to Jackie Megson, Chloe Zakelj, Claire Mohan-Ram and a two baser to Kylie Gray which helped bring in a further six runs with Strath’s pitcher/catcher Daniels to Bianca Pash working hard for a K2, combining again for an out at home and a catch taken by Tess Norris now at second. Some good hits to B. Pash, Emily Eglitis, K. Pash and Mayes combined with great base running by Strath added four runs to their score with Redsox again making two outs at first and a fielder’s choice out at third.

Safe hits to Redsox Megson, Cherie Bamford and Steph Hull in the third but they could only add one run to their tally with Strath making another K2, a tag at third by K. Pash and a tag at second by Norris. Strath gained one run to Peterson who made her way around the bases and stole home before Redsox Branson made another two outs at first and right fielder Suvali Sharma took a catch.

The fourth dig for Redsox had safe hits to Gray and Lara Tamke but they were left stranded on base with Strath’s left fielder Rebecca Sims taking a catch, an out made at third by Mayes throwing to K. Pash and the final out a catch taken at right field by Peterson holding them scoreless. Strath needed to make runs to take the game and with some great base running and a hit to the outfield by B. Pash they brought in three runs to get past Redsox so time and game were called with Strath coming out on top with the final score, Strathalbyn 10 to Redsox 9.

Hills Softball Association ‘C’ Grade Women (Strathalbyn v Hahndorf)

Hahndorf were up to bat first but Strath’s third baser Amber Crawford took a catch, first baser Laura Sneath made a tag and pitcher Rebecca Sims fielded and threw to first for the third out holding Hahndorf scoreless with three up three down. Strath had hits to Annabel McGregor, Sneath and a three baser to Crawford to bring in three runs with Hahndorf making an out at second and two K2’s to pitcher/catcher combo of Celeste Paul to Emma Faber-Paul.

The second dig for Hahndorf gained them one run with hits to Kerry Lawson and Paul with Strath making an out at first, an out at second and Crawford now catching taking a catch to end the innings. Strath had safe hits to Crawford, Sims and Sneath in the second but they could only bring one runner home with Hahndorf making an out at first, Paul taking a catch and pitching another K2.

Hahndorf hit their batting stride in the third with safe hits to Rachel Crawford, Tammy Craig, Lawson and Paul which combined with great base running brought in eight runs with Strath working hard in the field with a K2 to new pitcher Monica Spriggs, a pick off at third by Crawford to Sims and a catch taken at second by Tallera Spinks. Strath could only add one run to their tally in the third but had safe hits to Nicole Filsell, McGregor and Crawford with Hahndorf’s third baser Kerryn Liebelt taking a catch, an out at first and another catch to Paul ending the innings and the game with Hahndorf coming out on top 9 runs to Strathalbyn 5.

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