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Panthers on the prowl as Strath reach the Hills Softball decider

The Fleurieu App

Anthony Tucker

18 March 2024, 9:00 AM

Panthers on the prowl as Strath reach the Hills Softball deciderAction from Friday nights Hills Softball Preliminary Final. Image courtesy of Strathalbyn Sofftball Club Facebook page.

Strathalbyn v Red Sox - ‘A’ Grade Women (Preliminary Final)

In the A grade Women Preliminary Final Strathalbyn were sent in by Redsox to bat first and started the game with a three base hit to Kim Cutting who managed to steal home for the only run of the innings with Redsox making an out at second, a K2 and a catch taken at second by Cherie Bamford. Redsox also started the game with one run in to Georgia Ballard after picking a walk and stealing bases with Strath’s short stop Cutting, pitcher Tess Norris and second baser Kathy Pash all making outs at first.

Strath got Bianca Pash on board with a walk but they were held scoreless in the second with two outs at first and another K2 to pitcher Zoe Thompson. The pattern was repeated for Redsox with a catch taken at first by Kathryn Milne, another out at first and a great pick off at third to also hold them scoreless.

The third dig for Strath included a three bagger to Peyton Daniels and a hit to the outfield by Gab Martin to bring in two more runs with Redsox centerfielder Chloe Zakelj taking a catch and then quickly throwing to third for a double play and a K2 sent them from the diamond. Redsox had safe hits to Steph Cross, Zakelj and Marisha Branson which brought in three runs to now put them in the lead with Strath working smart and hard in the field picking off lead runners with an out at second, an out at third and an out at first with Cutting involved in two.

A couple of walks were gained by Strath in the fourth and with hits to Emily Eglitis, Cutting and a three baser to Martin they brought home five runs with Redsox making another two K2’s and a catch taken at right field by Cross. Even with a couple of walks and a hit to Zakelj Strath held Redsox scoreless in their turn at bat with a great pick off at home by Martin to B. Pash and Milne playing her base and throwing to Cutting for the out at second and a double play.

Redsox returned the favour in the fifth with a K2 and two outs at first holding Strath scoreless. Redsox started getting some momentum in their fifth turn at bat picking a couple of walks and a great bunt to Bamford and they were able to bring home three more runs to now be just one run behind with Strath’s new pitcher Daniels getting a K2 and Martin making two across the diamond outs at first.

Strath needed to keep in front on the board and added two more runs with hits to Daniels and Martin with Redsox making all three outs at first base. Strath were defending their lead playing tight in the field with an out at first, a pick off of the lead runner at third and Milne playing her own base for the third out holding Redsox scoreless.

Strath wanted to add runs to give them a good lead to defend in the seventh and had safe hits to Milne and Martin with a two baser to Daniels and combined with great base running brought home six runs with Redsox making two outs at first and a K2 to end the innings. Defense was the aim for Strath and as many runs as possible was what Redsox was looking for. Strath started with a K2 followed by Cutting making an out at first then Thompson got a safe hit and some walks were gained to get runners on and they brought home two runs. With three runners still on Stephanie Hull hit the ball into play which was fielded by Martin who got the runner out on third to end the innings and the game with Strath making their way to face Hahndorf in the Grand Final 16 runs to Redsox 9.

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