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South coast power play under way

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Staff Reporters

15 May 2024, 2:30 AM

South coast power play under way

Finniss MP David Basham has called on south coast residents to let him know about their ongoing issues with electricity reliability.

The state MP recently held a meeting with SA Power Networks about difficulties with power reliability in Port Elliot.


He says it was a productive meeting that highlighted the concerns raised by many locals about frequent power outages and the impact they have on households, businesses, and essential services in the area.


“During the meeting, SA Power Networks acknowledged the challenges faced by customers in Port Elliot and provided insights into the causes of the deteriorating electricity reliability. 

“They outlined their plans to address these issues, including infrastructure upgrades, maintenance schedules, and improved communication strategies to keep customers informed during outages.”

Mr Basham says he emphasised the urgency of finding sustainable solutions and ensure that the community has access to a reliable power supply. 

“I was informed that there has been a combination of factors including lightning strikes on insulators in late 2023 and early 2024, some corrosion of cross arms and insulator pins, and equipment failure that has combined to create a sharp increase in outages after several years of good performance.”

He says SA Power networks has replaced several lightning-damaged insulators, which appears to have improved reliability in recent weeks.

It started a program to address the issues in March, which is expected to include replacement of all cross arms and insulators on about 90 Poles and replacement of about 15 Poles at a cost of $1 million.

Mr Basham's electoral office is at 71 Victoria Street, Victor Harbor. He can be contacted by email or phone 8552 2152.


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