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Sports and recreation strategy underway in Alexnadrina

The Fleurieu App

Staff Reporters

10 May 2024, 3:09 AM

Sports and recreation strategy underway in AlexnadrinaDrone aerial photograph of the Goolwa Oval Recreation Precinct, courtesy of Alexandrina Council

As a result of its Village Conversations during 2023, Alexandrina Council has started drafting its Recreation, Open-space & Sport Strategy (ROSS).

It is asking sporting clubs and associations in the region to kickstart the process by completing a survey.

The survey aims to help identify the current supply and demand for sporting facilities; it closes on Friday 17 May. 

This feedback will contribute to developing the ROSS draft over the next six months, which will then be put out for community consultation early next year.

More information about the Alexandrina council ROSS and the timeline for consultation can be found on its My Say website.


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