The Fleurieu App

Sunday profile: Amy Hunt

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

15 October 2022, 7:30 PM

Sunday profile: Amy Hunt

Many of us have come and gone for work, and then returned to the area, that’s what the Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island regions do to us. We cannot help but to call it home forever. For those that grew up here, no surprise they have an extra deep connection. Todays Sunday profile is a Fleurieu App Member that is well and truly engrained and in love with her home region and it’s people.


Amy was born and bred in Normanville, surrounded by her family, friends and community. There has never been a desire to live anywhere else. Enticing her husband to move from Victoria to the region, she has married and raised her children here. Normanville & Yankalilla are definitely her home and where her soul belongs. A self confessed beach girl, she doesn’t believe she could live too far away from the soothing sea side.


You are the owner of Sea to City Conveyancing. How long have you had the business, and what was your inspiration to take on the conveyancing industry?


When I was younger I worked in Real Estate property management and then sales. I was lucky enough to have an amazing person I worked for who was a like a mentor to me. The hours invested in Real Estate Sales is huge, and I was unsure I wanted to do that all my life. I went off and attended night courses in conveyancing and then got myself a job in Conveyancing. I was still working for others when I had my first child and sadly at the time we lost a close friend in a motorbike accident. This was a life changing moment for me as I decided I did not want to be on the road doing all this driving when I had a baby at home. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to me on the road and leaving my child behind without a mother. I needed to reduce my risk of that happening. With the support of the business I was working with, and local real estate friends, I started up Sea to City Conveyancing in Normanville. 18 years on and a now a family of three children, I have been able to work and be around my children with their special needs. Being able to be as flexible as possible for my family and work has been very important.


Working in such an industry and location is pretty special. What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work?

I love the community. Having always lived in the same area we know everybody. Word of mouth drives my business. The satisfying part is being able to help through the generations of locals with their conveyancing needs. I help out the parents, then years later their children. I love being around people and meeting people. I have a connection with them and nothing is more satisfying being able to help arrange the purchase of someone’s home. The connection of our community is what makes me proud of where we work and live. The community support is something that not many places have, like we do here in Normanville. Oh, and did I mention the beach!? I love the beach. I couldn’t live anywhere that doesn’t have a beach nearby.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about Amy and what you love to do out of work …. (OK if you prefer not too!!!)

Any spare time is spent with my kids, I love being with my kids. They have special needs which takes up a lot of time, but I enjoy that special time with each of them. Chasing their sports and interests takes time as well. Anytime I can is also spent at the beach. As a family we try and go away camping when we can. The kids have always enjoyed that. Hopefully as they keep getting older they continue to enjoy going away with us camping.

Between our gardening business and conveyancing business there is not a lot of spare time, but the family time is the favourite part.


What is something many locals would not know about you (that you are willing to share!)

I’m a sharer, is there anything they don’t know about me? We run Gums 'N' Roses gardening services as well, some people may not know that.


YOUR TOP TIPS for the Fleurieu Peninsula / Kangaroo Island:


Best place to....


  • Grab a quick bite or a cuppa…we are so lucky in Normanville, we have so many choices. One Little Sister, Caffe on Bungala and Arranging Matters.
  • Have a more serious feed or a beer…Yankalilla pub
  • Go for a dip…Normanville
  • Explore nature…The forest and water falls at Second Valley have some great walking trails to explore. We love taking the dogs to Crab Beach. It’s actually Lady Bay…..but we call it Crab Beach because when we were kids that’s what we called it. Whenever you lift a rock you will always find little crabs.


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


  • feel…at home and at peace. If I’m having a stressful day I head to the beach, it’s so calming.
  • always make sure I visit… Normanville and Carrickalinga Beaches and Cape Jervis. Kangaroo Island, the community spirit of KI is special.
  • stock up on… KI Honey, Olive Oil and Lavender. Fleurieu; need to stock up on the Yankalilla Bakery and Normanville Bakery.


Best memory of being here:

When people buy their first house, its’ so exciting.


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

Bring your bathers and come for a swim. Stop at any of the cafes – we have great coffee. Eat, drink and be merry.

Find out more about Amy and Sea To City Conveyancing HERE

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