The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Anthony "Cookie" Lang

The Fleurieu App

Noel Gaston

21 May 2022, 8:30 PM

Sunday Profile: Anthony "Cookie" LangCookie

Just off the Lincoln Road midway between Victor Harbor and Port Elliot you will find Goods To Go Cafe and Catering (Fleurieu App - Eat | Drink | Stay).

It’s a small café run by local identity Anthony "Cookie" Lang. Cookie’s a well-known Victor Harbor denizen (character, more like it!) having run a variety of businesses locally. After working as a chef on the Murray River Queen, he’s operated driving schools, worked with the disabled, driven taxis and trucks, and just about a little of everything really. But his love of cooking and good eating brought him back to doing what he does best. And his obvious passion for all things southern Fleurieu sees him plying his trade in Hindmarsh Valley. He’s born and bred in the southern suburbs of Adelaide and well-travelled, but he wouldn’t live anywhere other than Victor Harbor.

Those who love their food might remember Cookie from his cutting-edge Primal Bliss Café on the main street at Victor. For the uninitiated, like me, primal food is a diet that's high in protein and fat, low in carbs, and designed to closely resemble the diet of early humans, with an emphasis on no processed food. A bit closer to my own heart, Cookie also has a passion for slow-cooked meats and barbeque. His smoky beef burger is his signature dish.

The attraction of moving to this non-Mainstreet establishment was the amazing commercial kitchen at Goods To Go. So, what may seem to be an odd combination of cuisines on offer actually makes a lot of sense. There’s a wide variety of choices to appeal to all tastes. Currently, Cookie’s place mainly caters to local schools, nearby gym buffs and passing tradies. But ramping up the café and expansion is currently afoot. He employs a staff of twelve, mostly part-timers and casuals. Cookie also goes to the local fairs, open-air and farmers’ markets with his trailer. The best way to see what he’s offering at these events, as well as when and where, is to check out his Facebook page.

For up-to-date on the café itself see LINK

As for Cookie’s top regional tips (after you’ve lunched at his place, of course!):

Best place to....

  • Grab a quick bite … other than Goods To Go, you should try any of the small cafés that Victor has. Cookie says there’re some sumptuous things on offer, with surprising variety, excellent quality and so much to taste and explore!
  • Have a more serious feed … for that date with your better half, try Birdy’s Bistro at the South Lakes Golf Club in Goolwa.
  • Get a cuppa … Mums Beard Cafe on Hindmarsh Road, Victor Harbor.
  • Have a beer (or cold drink) … when he’s not working, Cookie’s favourite drinking hole is the Hotel Elliot at Port Elliot.
  • Go for a dip … Horseshoe Bay.


Weirdest thing that’s happened to me:

If you did a double take looking at Cookie’s photo, you wouldn’t be alone. His most memorable weird happening occurred after scoring a front row ticket for a Billy Connolly performance. Halfway through the performance, Billy does his own double take, pauses, points and tells Cookie “You b***** look like me!”. While he gets it all the time, he’s still working on cultivating a Scottish accent.


Best thing about living here:

One of the things about Cookie that really struck this profiler, was his absolute passion for all things Victor. He just can’t imagine living anywhere else. Life is – as it should be – relaxing. That’s probably a good thing for someone who works as hard as Cookie does.


Most colourful character I’ve run into:

Well, that’s an easy one, he declares. That’d be me!!

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