The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile - Anthony Tucker, Fleurieu App Sports Writer

The Fleurieu App

08 August 2020, 8:30 PM

Sunday Profile - Anthony Tucker, Fleurieu App Sports WriterAnthony enjoying nature at Deep Creek Conservation Park.

Being the Fleurieu App's 1st Birthday this week we thought it fitting to introduce you to the Apps sensational Sports Journalist, Anthony Tucker.

We know you as the Sports reporter for the Fleurieu App. What is your work history prior to the the Fleurieu App – have you always been a journalist?


I started my work life as a Printer then moved into the graphic design industry where I worked for my family company, Tucker Design, as a production manager. I always had a great love for sport so at the age of 29 I made the move to radio where I worked at FIVEaa for nine years and then ABC radio sport (as a contractor) since 2010 as a sports broadcaster. I also worked in newspaper sales and as a cricket coach at Adelaide High School and at various clubs in that time.



Why the Fleurieu App?


I think the Fleurieu App is a fantastic initiative to bring people together in what is one of the greatest regions in Australia. It’s great to be a part of bringing local news and sport along with details of the fantastic businesses in the region to locals and visitors on the Fleurieu.



Please tell us a little more about yourself and what inspired you to become involved in sport reporting?


I have loved Sport since I can remember. Some may say I’m obsessed and I probably agree! I am very passionate about Country and Community Sport and I love reporting on sports action within the Fleurieu. With so much focus on professional sport these days, I think writing reports on local sport is so important. I’d much rather go and watch a local game of Footy than the AFL to be honest!



On a more personal note, tell us a little about yourself and what you love to do in your spare time.


I’ve been married for 21 years to Jen and we have two children. Ned (18) and Millie (15). We live on a couple of acres with a Dog, Budgie and two miniature horses. I love getting out in nature for gardening and walking. I don’t mind a Beer and I love Music. Mainly Aussie pub rock so maybe I’m a bit of a bogan! My number one ‘hobby’ is Cricket. I’ve played since I was eight and at 49 I’m still going and have recently been appointed as senior coach at the Noarlunga Cricket Club. To me Cricket is a metaphor for life! It’s a hard game but the good times are great!

I happen to know you are an obsessed cricketer. What influenced this passion?

I am obsessed with Cricket you’re right. Just ask my wife! My older brother and I played Cricket in the backyard, front yard, inside, in the street and at the local park ever since I can remember. He was/is super competitive so he pushed me hard and our Dad would take us up to the local park every weekend in Summer to play. My Grandad played and was an umpire so maybe it was in the genes. I was seven years old when World Series Cricket started and I think players like the Chappell’s, Lillee, Marsh, Hookes, Richards, Lloyd, Garner, etc… inspired a whole generation of cricketers. We lived about a 10-minute stroll from Adelaide Oval so my brother and I were there a lot. We loved Hookesy and would rush down to the oval after school if we heard he was in. I have watched lots of Cricket at Adelaide Oval and I think when I saw Kim Hughes make a double century when I was 10, I decided this was the game for me.

Do you want to share anything about St Kilda football club?

I am a long suffering supporter of the Saints. One flag in 123 years is a tough gig! Still, I’m an optimist so I believe they’ll win another one at some stage! I’m also a big North Adelaide fan so it was great to see them win the premiership in 2018. It was even better as I got to broadcast the grand final for ABC Radio which was a great honour. My Dad had passed away two months prior to the grand final and he was born and bred in Prospect so he was the reason I barracked for the mighty Roosters!

What is something that many people would not know about you (that you are willing to share with the Fleurieu App followers)?

My maternal Grandfather came to Australia from Switzerland as a 19 year old in 1913 and eventually settled in Medindie. He was a Barber and my Grandmother was a Hairdresser who ran her own business from the 1930’s onwards. My brother was born in Zurich when my parents were living and working there for a couple of years in the late 60’s. So I’m part Swiss I guess!

Now that we are able to get out and about


Best place to....

When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…

  • feel…relaxed and happy
  • always make sure I visit…Strathalbyn. A beautiful town that opens up many travelling opportunities throughout the region.
  • stock up on…local produce

Weirdest thing that’s happened to me on the Fleurieu or Kangaroo Island:


I went to Kangaroo Island as a 15 year old with my uncle who was out from Switzerland. He was a very bad driver and wasn’t used to the dirt roads. Not sure how we survived to be honest as every time he saw a native Australian animal he came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road to take a look! He also went back to Switzerland with a suitcase full of animal bones!

Best memory of being here:


My family stayed between Port Noarlunga and Silver Sands every summer for a week or two in my childhood and I have taken my family to Port Noarlunga to stay numerous times over the past 10 years. We love spending time at the Onkaparinga River mouth and at Silver Sands/Sellicks too.

Most colourful character I’ve run into:


Too many to mention! Sporting clubs have great characters that devote their life to their sport and club.

My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 


Download the Fleurieu App to start with of course! Take your time, smell the fresh air and enjoy all the wonderful scenery, people and produce of the Fleurieu.


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