The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Demelza Thorpe

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

10 April 2021, 8:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Demelza ThorpeDemelza Thorpe - Powdermonkey Designs

Demelza is a freelance graphic and web designer specialising in fixed price design packs for small business and start-ups. She describes herself as heavily involved in a love affair with design, because it is all she has ever wanted to do and because even after 20 plus years, she still love doing it!

A bit about you and any link(s) to the Fleurieu and/or Kangaroo Island:


I do have a lot of clients in the Fleurieu. I have lived in the Adelaide Hills for 10 years, and one of the things I love most about Hills life is the amazing relationship we have with the Fleurieu. People in the Hills are really happy to support local business in the Fleurieu, and vice versa – and that support has been especially noticeable during things like COVID-19 and the recent bushfires. It’s a great partnership and kind of like that really supportive neighbour that looks after your kids and brings you soup when you have a cold (I am lucky enough to have one of those IRL, as it happens!)


You are the clever one behind the scenes at Powdermonkey Design. Please tell us what things you do here.


Like any good start-up, I have been wearing all the hats at Powdermonkey Design up until recently. But in the last few months I have been lucky enough to be able to take on an assistant, as well as forming some great partnerships in the IT and printing spaces.


This leaves me free to focus on the lovely design work as well as liaising with my beautiful clients and suppliers. I spend a surprising amount of my time consulting with clients on the best way to produce their printed work and then sourcing the best supplier for the job. I have a long background in print design and a great working knowledge in this area, so I find this kind of work really rewarding.


Powdermonkey Design also provides web design and hosting services, as well as social media management and content creation so most days I get to flit back and forth between print work and these other, more recently developed fields. I love this variety and have discovered that on a creative level it is super-inspiring as well.


Where did the passion for design and being creative come from?


I come from a creative family – my parents and siblings are all fantastic at things like drawing, painting and making. My grandparents were especially inspiring to me as a young kid - both were accomplished painters and my grandma was also a skilled ceramicist and founding member of the Elizabeth Potters Club.


I have no idea why I was so drawn to graphic design though. As early as primary school I would love to create elaborate layouts or write and illustrate booklets for school projects. The funny thing is, I developed this style of creating all the elements such as the writing and the decorative bits, which I would cut out and paste in place. Then I would photocopy the whole thing and hand colour it. I didn’t realise it at the time, but what I was doing was a version of ‘paste-up’ – the method used to create print-ready design work before computers. So I guess it was just meant to be.


Have you always been in this line of work, or was there a previous work life?


I have always been in this line of work. At 14, my mum pointed out that this laying out of pages was actually a thing, and it was called graphic design. I have pursued it ever since.


I started out the following year with a holiday job at a local signwriters and the rest is history. Three years at TAFE and 22 years working as a designer everywhere from in-house studios to printers to advertising agencies.


You live on the outskirts of the Fleurieu. What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work?


I am proud of the place I live and work because it is such a supportive community. We are lucky enough to enjoy the best of both worlds with the benefits of being located so close to the city, whilst also being part of a community that identifies as rural and really embraces rural values like looking out for one another.


This extends 100% to the small business community too – I cannot imagine receiving the same encouragement and support on my business journey if I had been in the city.


Plus it is just the most spectacularly beautiful place to live – between the sea, the lakes, the river and the gorgeous ever-changing countryside. Perfection.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about Demelza and what you love to do out of work.


Getting back in touch with outside-work Demelza is very much on my to-do list for 2021… the last couple of years I have been all about Powdermonkey! I seem to remember I enjoyed painting, drawing, hanging out with family and friends, and checking out the fantastic wineries we are blessed with in this part of the world.


What is something many locals would not know about you (that you are willing to share!)

Alongside my day job as a designer, I also taught design fundamentals to first year TAFE students for several years.


YOUR TOP TIPS for the Fleurieu Peninsula / Kangaroo Island:


Best place to....


  • Grab a quick bite… Hitting up Alexandrina Cheese and then finding a great spot for a picnic.
  • Have a more serious feed… Salopian Inn
  • Get a cuppa… I don’t drink coffee! But Gawler Street Café in Mt Barker has the BEST hot chocolate. (I know, I know, that’s in the Hills!)
  • Have a beer (or cold drink)… I am not much of a beer afficionado, but I recently did a tasting with Kate at Smiling Samoyed Brewery and their beers are fantastic. Plus the location is amazing and the dogs are adorable. What’s not to love?
  • Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere) ... Ooohhhh, that is such a hard one, but I would have to say Fox Creek Wines.
  • Go for a dip… the nature playground at Goolwa – it’s the perfect swimming spot for little kids (of which I have 2).
  • Explore nature… it’s got to be KI. It is just jaw-droppingly beautiful.


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


  • feel… blessed.
  • always make sure I visit… Horseshoe Bay – love those childhood holiday feels.
  • stock up on… gin from Settlers Spirits


Best memory of being here:


My first ever trip away with my now-husband. We stayed at a B&B in the hills above Pt Elliot looking out over the ocean.


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 


Don’t try and visit more than 2 wineries in a day!


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