The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Desmond Ford

The Fleurieu App

16 January 2021, 7:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Desmond FordChair of Festival Fleurieu, Desmond Ford

Desmond is the chair of Festival Fleurieu. A passionate local who thrives on connecting the community. This week we welcome him onto the Fleurieu App Sunday Profile hot seat - enjoy!

A bit about you and any link(s) to the Fleurieu and/or Kangaroo Island:

Like many people my first experience of the Fleurieu was visiting friends who lived in Delamere. That was many years ago and since then I spent many years holidaying in Carrickalinga then have lived in both Delamere and Normanville, where I currently reside with my partner, dogs, chooks and ducks.

We know you as the current chair of the Festival Fleurieu. Can you please tell us a little more about yourself and what inspired you to become involved in this community festival.

I have a long history of both paid and voluntary roles in the community sector. I am passionate about social justice and like to put my energy into organisations that promote wellness, a sense of connection and that build community.  For many years I enjoyed going to Festival Fleurieu events so when the opportunity came up to join the board I thought it would be a good opportunity to give something back.

On a more personal note, tell us a little about yourself and what you love to do in your spare time.

I spend a lot of time growing food on our 1/3rd of an acre property where most of the space is given over to veggie beds, an orchard and a large run for chickens & ducks. I also do Trail running, triathalons (in the summer!) and do parkrun most Saturday mornings at Aldinga Beach.

Doing what you do for Festival Fleurieu, I know you are very passionate about Yankalilla and surrounds. What is it that has made you proud to call this region home?

Apart from being a beautiful region with the stunning coastline and rolling countryside I like the strong sense of community in the District and that people genuinely look out for each other and take the time to stop and chat.


There’s no shortage of places to grab a coffee or a bite to eat in the region – I often go to places in Normanville as they are within walking distance. My favourite place for walking is Deep Creek, especially during the cooler months. The coastline in the park is stunning and well worth the effort to get too.

When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…

I am always on the look-out for farm-gates across the region and have my favourites to buy animal manures to build up the very sandy soil on out property!

Best memory of being here:

I think the best memories are from the time my partner and I decided it would be a good idea to start a free-range organic pig farm in Delamere. Whilst it was a very steep learning curve it was a terrific opportunity to demonstrate that pigs could be raised ethically and that there was a demand for pork raised in this way.

My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

Take your time and get to really explore the region – there are so many beautiful spots for whatever your interest is. And of course, timing a visit with the Festival Fleurieu next April means an opportunity to be a part of this dynamic and creative event held every two years.

Festival Fleurieu 3 - 17 April 2021

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