The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Jasmine Crosby

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

29 October 2022, 7:30 PM

Sunday Profile: Jasmine CrosbyJasmine at the Vineyard Road Cellar Door, Langhorne Creek

You may have noticed a new, well, maybe not new, but a more regular face in the cellar door at Vineyard Road. Today we have a chat with the new cellar door manager, Jasmine.

Starting work at the cellar door just over three years ago, Jasmine was a junior working on the weekends while attending school. Having now finished school, the cellar door manager role came up at the right time.

When asking Jasmine why she applied for the role at the cellar door, she was quick to reply that “this is my thing! I think hospitality is my thing. I love it here”.

Has the Fleurieu always been home to you?

Yes, I was born and raised here. Strathalbyn has always been my home.

What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work?

The lovely culture and sense of community we have in the region. We all support each other’s Cellar Doors; we are not competition as such. It’s really special and makes me proud to work in this region and industry.

The hospitality industry can bring the good and the bad. Do you have a most memorable?

I’ve been lucky so far, all visitors to our cellar door have been lovely.

On a personal note, please tell us a little about yourself and what you love to do out of the work environment?

I love to hang out with my friends and family. My family are my favourites, including my English Staffy dog.

Is there something locals may not know about you that you are willing to share?

I did drum lessons for six years!


Jasmine’s top tops for the Fleurieu:

Best place to…

Grab a quick bite?

Port Elliot Bakery, their donut of the month I can’t go past!

A more serious feed?

The Bridge Hotel, Langhorne Creek. They do an amazing squid schnitzel with garlic sauce, it is amazing.

Grab a cup of coffee?

Vineyard Road Cellar Door of course, also Hammer and Tongs in Strathalbyn.

Beer or cold drink?

The Victoria Hotel in Strathalbyn

Best place for a dip?

Horseshoe Bay, Port Elliot

Explore Nature?

Granite Island


When I’m on the Fleurieu or Kangaroo Island…..

I feel…..calm

I always make sure I visit….all the cellar doors

I stock up on….locally grown and hand made goods


Best memory?

The staff and how I feel amongst them at work here at Vineyard Road. They are so lovely and so supportive.

Best advice for anyone visiting the region?

Try everything you can, experience everything. 

Come and visit us at the cellar door for a great wine and chocolate pairing experience!

Find out more about Vineyard Road cellar Door HERE

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