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Sunday Profile: Lou Nicholson

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

29 January 2022, 7:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Lou NicholsonLou is always happy amongst nature

With State elections around the corner we thought we would bring you a series of Sunday Profile's introducing our regions candidates.

Today we welcome Lou Nicholson to the Sunday Profile.


Please tell us a little bit about you and any links to the Fleurieu and/or Kangaroo Island:

I live in Goolwa with my husband, Sam and three little girls. I grew up in the Adelaide foothills after an initial start to life in Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. Mum is from Adelaide and Dad is Norwegian/Kiwi! 

Australia is home and even more strongly, the Fleurieu is a place that brings together all of the best things from every place I’ve known. I feel so lucky to have found our life here.


You are the Finniss Independent candidate. Please tell us about your previous work life prior to politics.

My academic interest has always been health and science. I completed a Bachelor of Science and Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy (OT) at Flinders Uni. I have worked as an OT here in Adelaide and in regional NZ, predominantly in acute medicine and geriatric evaluation and management.

I have worked from a young age and fully supported myself through uni, renting in Adelaide and working as a Senior Consultant assisting long-term unemployed and highly disadvantaged people return to the work-force.

I love working with people and have always felt strongly pulled to speaking up for others when they don't have a voice.

Sam and I own a wedding and commercial videography business and I also started a fresh produce delivery business here on the Fleurieu which I sold in January 2021 in order to run in the election. 


What inspired you to run as a candidate in this year’s election?

I never saw myself in politics, but I was disappointed when I went to engage with our local MP and parliament regarding a complex policy. I saw that major party MPs can only represent those in their electorate who support their party line - if you don't agree with the party, you are not represented.

I resolved to throw my support behind an Independent for Finniss this election, who could contribute to evidence-based policy and put the interests of our electorate first. When I could not find an Independent candidate to support, I decided I'd have to do it!

I'm standing up to be the change I want to see for Finniss, and in politics in general.

We know you are passionate about the region. What is one (or some) of the things you are most proud of and what is one (or some) of the things you wish to change / implement if you are elected?

When we moved here the first thing I found was an incredible community. We have shared values of supporting one another, pitching in, respect for the environment and a more considered pace of life. Families here enjoy a greater work-life balance than many do in the city. Each town is thriving and the longer you are here, the stronger your connections. I am proud of our identity. It is very important to all of us who live on the South coast and Fleurieu.

One thing I feel strongly about is preserving this identity through the changes that the future is going to bring. We can define and use our identity to help us grow whilst still retaining the essence of the Fleurieu, the reason we all call this place home. This will take close work with our councils, strong community engagement and identifying policies and strategies to steer our way. It wont be easy, but it is so important.

I would also like to work to have our First Nations culture and people more recognised and celebrated across the electorate. Growing up in NZ, Maori culture is intrinsic to every day life. We can do better in Australia.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about yourself and what you love to do outside of work (OK if you prefer not too!!!):

I have a bubbling creative streak that demands expression. Whether through sewing, piano, painting, interior decorating, photography or myriad other avenues, I am drawn to create and this brings me much joy. I also love to garden and include the girls in all of these things.

Motherhood keeps me very busy outside of work and Sam and I are very deliberate about the life we try to make for our girls. Getting away in our caravan is some of our most valued family time and we have many favourite spots to visit in SA.


What is something most people in the region would not know about you (that you are willing to share!!)

I am an identical twin! And yes, my twin sister, Krystina lives on the Fleurieu too. As I meet more and more people this is probably something that everyone should know! Just in case they approach Krystina thinking she is me! 


YOUR TOP TIPS in the region


Best place to....


• Go for a dip… Has to be Horseshoe Bay, but we also love swimming at the river in Goolwa with our girls.

• Explore nature… Nangawooka floral reserve is beautiful, we also love walking up the Bluff (Rosetta Head) and, of course, the beach.


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


• feel… at home.

• always make sure I visit… one of our many cafes for a coffee!

• stock up on… yummy treats from Raw Bulk Foods in Victor Harbor.


Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here:

Can not think of a weird thing!

Best memory of being here:

Walking up and down the Goolwa Beach boardwalk look-out with our girls to see the sunset after dinner. We have so many photos of them at different ages on the boardwalk and these will be treasured for our whole life.

Most colourful character I’ve run into:

One who comes to mind is the amazing Bernadette, co-owner of DeGroot Coffee Co. She 'says it like it is', expresses herself freely and isn't shy of a tricky topic of conversation. She always makes me smile when I run into her!


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

Once you’re here you are very likely to look at real estate and wonder what life would be like if you moved here. Quite simply, life is wonderful on the Fleurieu. There are significant opportunities and we warmly welcome those who are looking to contribute to our beautiful environment and wonderful communities.

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