The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Michael Schubert

The Fleurieu App

Noel Gaston

28 May 2022, 7:30 PM

Sunday Profile: Michael Schubert Michael on site at Shed Boss Fleurieu

Michael Schubert is beavering away at a computer as I enter his office. He’s obviously busy, but greets me enthusiastically. Michael is the Director of Shed Boss Fleurieu. The company constructs sheds, garages and patios. It services greater Adelaide and all of our great Fleurieu. A notable recent project was his construction project at Adelaide Oval for the SA Cricket Association. One distinctive feature of his company is that it’s a one-stop shop, taking care of the design and construction, and also squaring away the approval process. It’s a big operation with a staff of permanents and contractors of nineteen.


They’re on Instagram and a Facebook page with details of some of their current projects. But, as Michael says, don’t worry about going online … “just come in and see me”!

The origin of this incarnation of the company is that Michael’s dad, David, built a shed for Shed Boss in 2005. David was so impressed with the operation that he bought the company! The Victor Harbor lifestyle was another obvious part of appeal.

Originally from Murray Bridge, Michael studied leadership and development, travelled widely and worked both overseas and interstate. With his thirst for travel more than quenched, he joined his dad’s company in 2010. More recently he became the Director at the height of the pandemic. Nothing like good timing, eh?! But a poisoned chalice it hasn’t been, as Michael has doubled the business and seen it go from strength to strength.

Young, energetic and full of drive, that’s Michael. Given his knack for building community and business relationships, it’s hardly surprising that he was also tapped on the shoulder to become the new Chairman of Business Victor Harbor, the peak industry body representing Victor Harbor and surrounding businesses. The organisation has worked closely with Business SA and the local council to help overcome, pivot and adapt business to the uncertainties created by the pandemic. Opening the borders earlier this year helped some businesses, but hurt others. Regardless, it has been a difficult few years. A hard slog, says Michael.

Something else that Michael is proud of is his involvement in the syndicate formed to help preserve the Aldinga washpool. The washpool is a rare coastal wetland and estuarine ecosystem, home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including more than a hundred species of bird and twenty plant species – some listed as vulnerable or endangered. His involvement stemmed from his participation in the Fleurieu Future Leaders Program. Michael helped form the coalition to galvanise stakeholder groups and the community to preserve this unique part of the Fleurieu. Mission accomplished!

To conclude the interview, I asked Michael for his top tips to help newcomers to Victor and the southern Fleurieu.

Best place to ...

●      Grab a quick bite … the Yilki General Store at Encounter Bay

●      Have a more serious feed … the Mount Compass Tavern

●      Get a cuppa … the Planted Coffee House at Victor Harbor

●      Have a beer (or cold drink) … the Hotel Victor

●      Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere) ... Chalk Hill Wines in McLaren Vale

●      Go for a dip … Horseshoe Bay

●      Explore nature … when he’s not working, Michael loves to go camping. Deep Creek National Park is a favourite. On hot and dry SA summer days, driving his four-wheel drive on Goolwa Beach is a must do.

●      When on KI … he’d recommend the Enchanted Fig Tree at Middle River.


The final word …

Michael lives at Encounter Bay. He loves the lifestyle that the Victor area affords. “It always feels new and fresh.” Michael has found that perfect balance between work and quality of lifestyle. A thriving business, community involvement and absolutely the best place to just relax.

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