The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile - Moira Were

The Fleurieu App

Susie Williams

18 April 2020, 8:30 PM

Sunday Profile - Moira WereMoira Were

All female entrepreneur’s on the Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island will know this week’s Sunday Profile – Moira Were.

I was personally excited to have Moira agree to do our Q & A session this week. What an amazing role model! 

Moira is the founder of Chooks SA – a movement with a mission to increase equity for female founders in start-ups and social enterprises. Established in May 2017.

Her achievement list is long. Being honoured by Australia with an AM on Australia Day 2019 for services to social welfare and other roles, gives you an insight to this amazing woman.


Moira Were

A bit about me and any link(s) to the Fleurieu and/or Kangaroo Island:

I have lived on the Fleurieu Peninsula most of the last 25 years - Port Noarlunga South, Willunga and now Sellicks Beach.



Best place to....

●     Grab a quick bite - I love to have something sweet and delicious at the Farmers Market from Soulfood & Co

●     Have a more serious feed - can’t go past Little Rickshaw in Aldinga

●     Get a cuppa - from Maxwell’s

●     Have a beer (or cold drink) - at The Victory

●     Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere) - Red Poles

●     Go for a dip - Silver Sands

●     Explore nature - Aldinga Scrub

When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…

●     feel…refreshed

●     always make sure I visit… when in KI - KI Spirits

●     stock up on… gin

Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here: 

not the weirdest - but the most joyous - singing in the Gospel Groove Choir led by Quentin Eyers

Best memory of being here:

the peace and reverence of Anzac morning around the Willunga War Memorial

Most colourful character I’ve run into:

That’s a hard one …. won’t name names!

My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

take your time and plan to come back on what you missed

Tell us about anything you’d like to plug/promote?

The Fleurieu Awesome Foundation


Hot current climate topic – the Coronavirus…do you have any comments / suggestions you would like to share with our region? 

Come and visit us when this is all over and if you are living in the area don’t forget to wave, smile at people especially those who might be living alone.

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