The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Narelle Osborne

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

18 December 2021, 7:30 PM

Sunday Profile: Narelle OsborneNarelle at work

Today we chat to Narelle. An inspiring woman who builds sheds, sews her own clothes, is part of the top women in the world of construction and has so many more amazing attributes.

Narelle considers herself lucky to have spent the last 3 years work in the Fleurieu, and considers it a wonderful place to work and even better to play.


You are a building designer with Shed Boss and Nara Nation. Have you always been in this line of work? Please share a little about both company’s and your role within them.

I came from a Finance background. My original role at Shed Boss was Operations Manager that changed when I fell in love with sheds and the construction side. I started the role as Building Designer and have not looked back.

Nara Nation is a Company I started which specialises in mentoring, supporting, and connecting those that are underrepresented in the Construction Industry.


Congratulations on being named in the Top 100 Women in the World in Construction for the second year in a row. What an amazing achievement. Please share a little about what this means to you.

Thank you, it is a huge honour and an award of which I am enormously proud. The Top 100 Women has provided amazing opportunities and connections. It forced me out of my comfort zone to speak in public and share my voice which has helped and inspired others.


You are a business mentor. Can you please elaborate to what this means and the community you are mentoring?

Currently I am a Business Mentor in a few sectors, I am most enthusiastic about helping those that are underrepresented. Most of my work is with Indigenous people in SA, Far West NSW and QLD.


You have been chosen to represent at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Summit in New York next March. Please tell us a little more about this amazing opportunity.

I was selected with 5 other amazing Trailblazers to represent Indigenous Women of Australia and Torres Strait Islands.

We will spend 2 weeks in New York representing, advocating, connecting, sharing and supporting. This opportunity is beyond amazing. When I share this news the reaction is usually shock, tears and lots of “thank you Narelle for speaking up for those of us that cant.”


Has South Australia always been home to you? If not, how did you end up here?

I was born and raised in SA. I have lived and worked O/S but SA is always home.


What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work?

Where do I start? We live and work in one of the most spectacular parts of the world. The warmth, humour and generosity or our community is everything.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about Narelle and what you love to do out of work.

I love being creative: from sewing to cake decorating, it takes over my life sometimes, but I enjoy it.


What is something many locals/work colleagues would not know about you (that you are willing to share!)

I have 3 kids who go to school in Adelaide. The commute is arduous however I think I know every cow, sheep, alpaca and crop schedule along the way.


YOUR TOP TIPS for the Fleurieu Peninsula / Kangaroo Island:


Best place to....

  • Grab a quick bite…Goods to Go Cafe
  • Have a more serious feed… The Enchanted Fig Tree
  • Get a cuppa… Goods to Go Cafe
  • Have a beer (or cold drink)… McCracken Country Club
  • Go for a dip… Petrel Cove
  • Explore nature… Anywhere in the Fleurieu or KI


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…

  • feel…Calm
  • always make sure I visit… The Beach
  • stock up on… Fresh produce and handmade goodies.


Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here:

Myself and a colleague chasing a stray dog along with many other locals, it turned into a wild goose chase. Months later a customer came in for a shed and it turned out to be his dog. Mental note: if you are going to chase a dog make sure its not a Whippet, unless you are very fit.


Best memory of being here: The locals!!!!


Most colourful character I’ve run into: I couldn’t choose, too many contenders


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: Leave your stress behind

Find out more about:

Shed Boss

Nara Nation

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