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Sunday Profile: Rebekha Sharkie

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

05 February 2022, 7:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Rebekha SharkieRebekha Sharkie - Federal Member for Mayo

After six years advocating for our regional needs, Rebekha Sharkie still has a long wish list if she is re-elected in her role for Mayo. With a passion for rural communities and fishing, you are just as likely to come across Rebekha in her fishing gear as you are her parliament attire.

You are the Mayo Centre Alliance candidate. Please tell us about your previous work life prior to politics.


My role prior to being the Member for Mayo was working for a not for profit organisation in the youth sector. It prepared me well for this role as I really had to fight hard for funding for a worthy cause in that role, and that’s what I’m still doing today, really!


What inspired you to run as a candidate in this year’s election?


My team and I have achieved so much these past six years but there is still so much on my to do list as the Member for Mayo. It’s an honour to represent the people of Mayo in the Parliament and it’s something that I’d like to continue to do if I’m privileged enough to be re-elected. My wish list for Mayo is as long as my arm but we are getting through it.


We know you are passionate about the region. What is one (or some) of the things you are most proud of and what is one (or some) of the things you wish to change / implement if you are elected?


I’m definitely most proud of the people that make up the electorate of Mayo. We have so many wonderful community groups and volunteers and it’s a privilege to be able to help these groups achieve their goals. I love that we’re a regional electorate but what I don’t love is the inequity when it comes to services and infrastructure when you compare us to metro electorates. These past six years I’ve been working hard to obtain federal funding for everything from road upgrades to hospital emergency departments and everything in between. My priority if re-elected will be to continue to advocate for infrastructure upgrades to meet the needs of our growing population here in Mayo.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about yourself and what you love to do outside of work.


I think everyone knows by now how much I love to fish and of course the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island have some of the best fishing spots in the state.


I’m also a bit of a history buff – I don’t have much time these days to read for pleasure but I do love a good podcast on history.


During the special time that I get to be at home I love nothing more than to potter around the veggie garden (I’m well known for growing huge zucchinis!) or bake something for my family.


What is it that makes you love the Fleurieu Peninsula and proud to call it home?


The natural beauty of the Fleurieu and the wonderful people that live here.


What is something most people in the region would not know about you (that you are willing to share!!)


Ooooh I love jigsaw puzzles and board games. I’m hard to beat in trivial pursuit!


YOUR TOP TIPS in the region


Best place to....


  • Go for a dip…Silver Sands
  • Explore nature…Deep Creek Conservation Park


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


  • feel…relaxed
  • always make sure I visit… Oh there’s just too many places to mention!!
  • stock up on… I do love the KI garlic, honey and wine and the Fleurieu just has so many wonderful producers I couldn’t even begin to name just one or two! Produce aside, I do love to op shop on the Fleurieu.


Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here:


Being a politician you do see it all so it’s hard to define ‘weird’! That said I’m always amazed that people still manage to recognise me in my daggy fishing gear at the local boat ramp. Fleurieu locals love to strike up a conversation no matter where I am!


Best memory of being here:


Oh there are just too many to mention.


Most colourful character I’ve run into:


So many to choose from, I couldn’t pick just one.


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 


Become a part of the community – join some groups and meet the wonderful locals. Be a tourist in your own backyard.

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