The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Sean Galvin

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

22 January 2022, 7:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Sean GalvinSean Decapping Honey

Five years ago, Sean took the plunge and turned his hobby of Bee Keeping into his own small business. This week’s Sunday profile we welcome Sean Galvin, the owner operator of Salubrious Honey.


Please share a bit about you:


We have lived in Aldinga Beach for the last 9 years. Have been keeping bees for the past 8 years, I later turned my hobby into a small business.


We just love living in the Fleurieu region. I used to come here when I was a lot younger to do surfing and fishing etc. I was a beekeeper back then. Studied beekeeping at Urrbrae High School and was mentored by other beekeepers. Gave it away to experience life, travel and learn things about the world we live in. I have a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree under my belt and have worked in environmental field in past occupations. However, my interests are now with beekeeping, and I have learnt so much about these fascinating creatures, more so this time round. The Fleurieu is a great place to keep bees with the vast diversity of flora on offer for the bees.  There is a community of people that have supported me on this journey, to whom I’m very grateful. 


You are the owner of Salubrious Honey Aldinga Beach. Please tell us a little more about your business.

Salubrious Honey is a small beekeeping operation located at Aldinga Beach SA.

We currently manage 66 beehives which are scattered around Aldinga, Willunga, and McLaren Vale area producing various seasonal flavoured honey, honeycomb, and beeswax products that we have available to sell locally and interstate. Sales are currently door sales at Aldinga Beach and online links at the bottom of this story.


The honey and wax are gently harvested from our beehives to minimise disturbance and leave enough honey for the bees to survive and to continue to do their wonderful work of pollination (an environmental service for humankind).


Honey and wax are then taken from the hives to Aldinga Beach purpose-built Certified Food Grade facility for; 1) honey extraction and filtration, and packaging. 2) Wax clarification, filtration packaging. There is no heat treatment involved with Salubrious Honey which means that over time, the raw honey will crystallise due to the activity of beneficial natural vitamins, enzymes, and phytonutrients. The crystallisation process is normal feature in raw honey and is still wonderful to eat.


Have you always been into Bee Keeping and Honey making? What inspired you to start?


Prior to the Salubrious Honey business operating, I ran another small business called Salubrious Cheeses. This was a home cheese making business where I conducted workshops on how to make cheeses at home.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about Sean and what he loves to do out of work (OK if you prefer not too!!!):  


Trying to make ends meet! Beekeeping doesn’t bring in a lot of income, so I spend a lot of time looking for other sources of income such as gardening, home handyman or roofing work. I do love fishing and like to go on long walks. Currently learning Tai Chi which I absolutely love.


Did you grow up here at Aldinga? Please tells us a little more about your background.


No. Born in Sydney, moved to Adelaide under the wing of my parents. Schooled in Adelaide. Jackarooed for a short time. Became a Cheesemaker, Butter Maker and used to make the famous ‘Farmers Union Iced Coffee’. Have travelled and lived around the eastern states of Australia (Victoria, NSW Qld) working in the Dairy Industry for a while. Gained a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, became a Marine Biologist focusing on Mangrove and Wetland systems. Back to SA, Aldinga Beach.


 What is it that makes you proud to live and work in this special part of the world?


It a beautiful area to be living and working.


Anything else you would like to share?


Beekeeping is very expensive if you are thinking of getting into it and at times very painful if you do not know what you are doing. 

Make sure you’re not allergic to bee stings.




Best place to....


  • Grab a quick bite… Jimmies Aldinga Beach and Pt Noarlunga
  • Have a more serious feed… Casuarina – Aldinga Beach Esplanade.
  • Get a cuppa… Sourced - Aldinga Beach Esplanade.
  • Have a beer (or cold drink)… At Home or Victory Hotel.
  • Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere)... Various Wines, Prefer Reds.
  • Go for a dip… Willunga Beach
  • Explore nature… Aldinga Scrub. Beaches. Onkaparinga Gorge.


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


  • feel… I can Breathe
  • always make sure I visit… Snapper Point.
  • stock up on… Salubrious Honey


Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here: Too Many


Best memory of being here:  Summers


Most colourful character I’ve run into:  Sea Lions


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: Stay and enjoy it.


Sales are door front at Aldinga Beach and on-line through “Facebook Market Place” and “Square on-line”. 

We can be found at:

Fleurieu App


Salubrious Honey Square site (Sales)


Business and Tourism, Aldinga

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