The Fleurieu App

Sunday profile - Susie Williams, owner, Fleurieu App

The Fleurieu App

16 May 2020, 8:30 PM

Sunday profile - Susie Williams, owner, Fleurieu AppSusie and her family

The Fleurieu App, which went live in early August 2019, is the baby of McLaren Vale resident Susie Williams.

Susie returned to the Fleurieu Peninsula with her husband and their three daughters in early 2019, after a 5 year stint living in New Zealand. There, she was part of the team that created and ran the highly-successful Marlborough App, which links local people and visitors to the myriad of experiences and businesses available in the area.

Upon returning to the Fleurieu, Susie could see massive potential and says she, “couldn’t wait to build an app for this fabulous region”.

We chat to her about the recent tough COVID times, the App, time in New Zealand and family life.

Living in New Zealand must have been interesting. What were the highlights, maybe the top 3?

Yes, it was an awesome experience. We lived in the Marlborough wine region. It was super cold, but just stunning. So much to explore in New Zealand. Once the travel bans lift and we go back to normal, put it on your 'must do' list! The people are super relaxed, we have made (and miss!) some amazing friends., there are many.

No. 1: I joined two of our girls on a school camp - we did the Tongariro Crossing on the North Island. The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is 19.4 km...we completed it in 7.5 hours with 60 school kids - years 5, 6 and 7 ! The trail is through (and up and over!) active volcanoes and crater lakes, it was as I imagine walking on the moon would be.

No. 2: Two girl friends and I took our teenage daughters on the Queen Charlotte Track in Marlborough. We did the 72km track in 5 days / 3 nights. It was simply stunning scenery and a wonderful bonding experience with our girls. I was writing a story for our Marlborough magazine so instead of camping out we got to stay in nice accommodation - perfect!

No. 3: New Zealand introduced me to dragon boat racing and waka ama racing. I hate being in the water, but LOVE being on it! I got totally hooked on the waka (outrigger canoe). We raced a 6 person boat and our training ground was the stunning Marlborough sounds, often with dolphins...other days simply freezing!! My longest race was 21km taking almost 2 hours, that's a long time to paddle in time with 5 other team mates.

There are so many others, maybe I can share another time?

COVID-19 has turned everyone's world upside down. How have you coped the past 2 months?

Being a mother of three girls, we are still adjusting to this new way of life that we have been forced to embrace while finding a new kind of strength and resilience we have never known. Everyone's lives have been flipped, twisted and spiralled around as we adapt to new routine, new rules and a new way of existing within our communities. I for one have been blown away by our Fleurieu community, but to be honest, I have always known our region to be pretty bloody incredible! The people, the places and the sense of community has always inspired me. I’ve been lucky in the work I do to have seen this first hand. This makes moving forward each day much easier.

As a family our exercise has still been a big part of our lives, and keeps us physically and mentally fit, and getting us outside. It's been a great time to slow our busy family life down and focus on one another, snuggling up on the couch watching movies and getting our craft mojo going. When I get the chance I hit the local beach or the Onkaparinga River National Park.

The Fleurieu App is 9 months old. How's it all going and what have your team been up to during isolation?

My dream of having a community platform for the Fleurieu Peninsula & Kangaroo Island came to fruition nine months ago. Where has the time gone!!?? The purpose of the app was to allow all the members of our community to connect and communicate. Behind the scenes, we have developed a team of incredible people, dedicated to this cause, and now more than ever through COVID times, we want you to be part of this online platform with us. During this time of uncertainty, our team aim is here to reassure, inform and comfort you during this time. Our local journalists are working remotely, because for them, being able to connect with you is a vital support they are desperate to offer. We all want to do our part to help each other, and although we are limited, we all can find outlets for ways to offer support. The Fleurieu App is how WE can do this for us as Fleurieu & KI locals. We are proud to have almost 4,000 active App users and have clocked up over 180,000 page views! These numbers grow daily - get on board and support our local journalists, our local businesses and our local people.

You've hinted at what keeps you sane during times like these, what other things are your passion apart from the Fleurieu App?

My family! My hubby, three girls and our dog Kiwi.

Yes, I try and keep fit. Running early hours of the morning with the dog and eldest daughter. You may occasionally see a few sunrise photos on our social media pages...that's when I need a break!! I love hiking, especially after living in New Zealand. Onkaparinga River National Park and Deep Creek my favourite local hang outs. I can't wait for us to break into spring and then you will find me in my kayak :)

Any plugs, comments, suggestions?

If you know of friends and family that haven't downloaded the app, please share this with them. It’s FREE and 100% local. Also, LIKE our Facebook Page where you can get notifications with breaking news and the opportunity to share comments, thoughts and feedback. Ask us anything, share stories and information you feel is important for our community. As a media platform, we strive to offer you honest and transparent information, especially in times like this. We are all in this together and we are here as a voice for YOU and all locals.

Stay safe and well, utilise your social distancing platforms and check in on loved ones, family and friends. Be kind and remember, we will get through this!

Want to learn more about the Fleurieu App?

Fleurieu App FACEBOOK

Fleurieu App INSTAGRAM

Fleurieu App WEBSITE

Email Susie & the Team HERE

Keen to get your business listed? Apply HERE

Become a supporter of the App and keep our local news local HERE

Have an event / workshop or exhibition (once we get out of COVID restrictions!) we will list for free, email us details HERE

The Fleurieu App
The Fleurieu App
Fleurieu at your fingertips

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