The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile - Trevor Sharp

The Fleurieu App

25 July 2020, 8:30 PM

Sunday Profile - Trevor SharpTrevor with his wife Sandra

This week’s Sunday profile we are excited to share some insight into one of McLaren Vale’s most respected business men, volunteer and all round good bloke – Trevor Sharp. I was lucky enough to first meet Trevor when the App was helping to advertise the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event. His passion for the event, the region and it’s people is infectious.


Trevor has lived in the area for about 42 years and been a volunteer for most of these years with a few different organisations.


Please share some insight into your years of volunteering and how this came about.


When my son Chris joined the Scouting movement there was a threat to the Willunga Scouts closing because of the lack of help and enough Leaders. I stepped up to the plate and became a Scout Leader which was the beginning of my volunteering. I gained my Wood Badge and continued with the Willunga Scouts, becoming the Group Leader, qualifying as a water activities instructor and later the Venturer Leader.  Staying on for about 10 years finally recruiting someone else to fill my shoes. I had some fantastic times with the many youngsters who passed through the troupe.


About this time I was asked to join a few local organisations, and chose to become a Rotarian.


I soon got enthused helping plant trees, working on playgrounds and various other works in our local area.


My wife Sandra and I got involved with the Rotary Youth Exchange program, hosting about 23 students over as many years from all across the world. I later took a position on the District Youth Exchange committee which was one of the most rewarding experiences Sandra and I have ever undertaken. We have extended family all round the world. Our first Student was Japanese, never spoke a word of English to start with which made life interesting.  We visited her recently in Japan with her being about 55 and still calls us mum and dad. I ended up becoming the deputy chairman then the chairman over a 10 year time span, only retiring because of Rotary’s policy. I could fill this whole article just on this subject. Rotary opened our eyes to the whole world with international conferences and programs helping people with clean water, Polio Plus, disaster relief and the list goes on.


You owned a business on the main street of McLaren Vale for almost 20 years. What

did this involve and how did this come about.


When I moved into the area, I was a contract carpenter working all over the Fleurieu area. Over time I gained my general builders license.


During all the above mentioned exciting times we launched ourselves into the Building arena starting a local building company (McLaren Vale Constructions) working on new homes, additions and alterations, cellar doors and sheds. This became a very successful Building Company with many of our clients becoming good friends to this day. We won many awards with our best year in 2000 when we won two major awards in the Master Builders Association Annual Awards. We continued the business until we retired, closing the doors on another part of our active life.


We all know you as the long standing chairman of the McLaren Vale Business

Association. Can you please tell us a little more about Trevor Sharp and what inspired

you to serve on the association.


We were members of the local McLaren Vale Residents’ Association when we were asked to head up the McLaren Vale Main Street Program.  This enabled the group to get some grants and start transforming the Main Street of McLaren Vale. We worked with Council to underground the power lines and street scape design. About this time the newly formed McLaren Vale Business Association was floundering, and we were encouraged to take them over as most of the people on these committees were the same group.  Eventually we amalgamated all 3 groups to become McLaren Vale Business & Tourism Association. We worked for 25 years as Chairman and Secretary until we decided to retire, although we are still members of the Association but take more of a back seat.


You are passionate about local events, particularly the McLaren Vale Classic Cars

event. Please tell us a little more about this passion and plans for the 2021 event.


It was during the time as Chairman of the business association, 16 years ago, that I hatched the idea of the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event.  Never expected it to become such a large event and pretty much the biggest crowd puller in the whole of the City of Onkaparinga, as well as the Fleurieu. Unfortunately, the 2020 event was cancelled due to restrictions of COVID 19 Virus but like the phoenix we will rise up and hopefully be bigger and better in 2021. Even with the cancelation we were able to make donation to the McLaren Vale Hospital $6,000, Southern Koala Rescue $2,500 and M/V CFS and M/F CFS $750 each.  This was made possible by the participants donating their entry fee to these charities.


Now that we are able to get out and about we would love your top tips around the region


Best place to....

·     Grab a bite..Blessed Cheese is a top place for a coffee and the egg and bacon rolls are “to die for”.

·     A more serious feed… would have to be The Tin Shed, Vasarelli’s, Carmel’s or Oscars. Can’t single one out as they are all great and it just depends on your preference on the day.

·     A cold beer… on the balcony at The Victory Hotel takes some beating.

·     Taste some wine…Living in McLaren Vale we are blessed with so many choices for wine and we like to alternate with places like Pennys Hill, Fox Creek, Hastwell & Lightfoot etc. There is always a lovely relaxing atmosphere at most cellar doors in the area.

·     Go for a dip… I’m not into swimming but how could you not appreciate the beautiful beaches that we have stretching from Sellicks to Port Noarlunga – some of the best in the country if not the world.

·     Explore nature… we are aiming to do a bit more walking and the Onkaparinga Gorge and Kuitpo forest offer lots of opportunities to get out in the fresh air and open spaces.

·     When out on the Fleurieu or KI…On a recent trip to Kangaroo Island it was great to see the countryside recovering after the devastating bushfires. Now that venues are opening up a bit more there will be more opportunities to taste the produce and to see the fauna in its natural habitat.

·     Best memory of being here… taking the grand children on the Cockle Train from Goolwa to Victor Harbor. We have the best of both worlds by living in McLaren Vale and having a holiday house in Goolwa. 

·     Most colourful character…Over the years I have met many colourful characters who have had some interesting tales to tell. We are still blessed to have the likes of d’Arry Osborn, Colin Kay and Tony Parkinson living in the region. We can certainly ‘meet your maker’ in a lot of venues across the Fleurieu.

·     Best advice to anyone visiting… make sure you come with an empty car boot and go home with it full of our wonderful wines and spectacular produce.

·     Hobbies / Passions…Since retiring, nearly 10 years ago, I have dabbled in oil painting and have again started to attend classes in Willunga.

·     As a passionate owner of two MGB’s and a member of the All Makes Historic Car Club I have taken on the challenge of the co-ordinator of the club’s car runs.  “Coffee & Car” gatherings are held on the first Sunday of each month in the car park of McLaren Vale Central Shopping Centre and usually sees about 60 vehicles of all makes and models brought out for the morning.

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