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Timely start for KI Sea Lion breeding season

The Fleurieu App

Caroline Horn

15 May 2022, 2:30 AM

Timely start for KI Sea Lion breeding seasonImage from pixabay

Kangaroo Island’s sea lion winter breeding season has begun, with the first pup born last Sunday (Mothers Day) at Seal Bay.


The  Seal Bay colony is the third largest in South Australia. 


Australia Sea Lions are considered to be endangered.


Many populations were wiped out during the early years of colonisation when sealers on Kangaroo Island, Tasmania and Victoria hunted them for their skins. 


Although the sealers were primarily hunting fur seals, they would also kill the sea lions and take their pelts if they found them. T


Female sea lions are pregnant for about 12 months and give birth to one pup. They may not breed again for two or three years after giving birth despite a high rate of pup mortality.


Sydney University researchers regularly visit the colony as part of their research.


They have been treating pups for hookworm in an attempt to improve their survival rate but have also raised concerns about the about of marine and organic pollution taking a toll on the animals.


Guided tours of Seal Bay can be booked online.   

Rangers take care to give visitors the best experience possible without disturbing the sea lions.

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