Staff Reporters
20 March 2024, 4:26 AM
The CFS has advised that bushfire smoke from WIRRINA COVE Fire is in the Main South Road area between Wirrina Cove and Lady Bay area.
Bushfire smoke can affect your health. You should stay informed and be aware of the health impacts of smoke on yourself and others.
Symptoms of exposure includes shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, burning eyes, running nose, chest tightness, chest pain and dizziness or light-headedness.
If you or anyone in your care are having difficulty breathing, seek medical attention from your local GP. If your symptoms become severe, call 000.
More information will be provided by the CFS when it is available.
Warning area
Shapes on this map image indicate the Warning Area to which this message applies.
YELLOW: Advice Message; ORANGE: Watch and Act Message; RED: Emergency Warning
This message will be updated as the situation changes or before: 20/03/2024 14:00
For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).