The Fleurieu App

Zonta hosts election issues think tank

The Fleurieu App

Staff Reporters

04 February 2025, 1:40 AM

Zonta hosts election issues think tank

With a federal election looming the Zonta Club of the Fleurieu Peninsula is encouraging voters to inform themselves on the issues that matter.

Zonta will host a national Think Tank via Zoom on Saturday 8 February from 3.30pm to 5pm.

The international organisation aims to empower women through service and advocacy.

The local Fleurieu group makes and donates breast cushions to cancer survivors and collaborates in the Emergency Housing Project, but also gets involved in issues that affect women on a national and international level.

These include child marriage, gender based violence and climate justice.

They say elections offer more than a sausage and now is the time to find out more about climate justice, how it affects people, and what can be done to raise issues with local candidates.

“We only have one Earth, and our actions now will determine life for future generations.”

Anyone interested in joining the Zonta Think Tank can register online.

The Zonta Club of the Fleurieu Peninsula will host a fundraising quiz night at The Hotel Crown in Victor Harbor on Saturday 8 March.

The International Women’s Day event will raise funds towards the Emergency Housing Project; find details on the club’s Facebook page.

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