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Sunday Profile: Kelvin Grivell

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

02 January 2021, 7:00 PM

Sunday Profile: Kelvin GrivellKelvin Grivell - Encounter Lutheran College Principal

Kelvin Grivell starts our Sunday Profile for 2021. He is the Principal at Encounter Lutheran College and father of three children. Today we learn the good and bad about being a principal and what Kelvin likes to get up to out of school.


We started married life in Victor in 2001 and enjoyed five years down here before heading to Adelaide for a Principal’s position. We never thought we’d be raising our kids on the South Coast, but in 2011 when I was appointed as Principal at Encounter, that quickly became our reality. 


You are the Principal at Encounter Lutheran College. How long have you been at the College and what inspired you to take on such a role?

This is my ninth year back at Encounter, making it fourteen in total. Taking on a Principal’s role is challenging and complex, but more than that it is a privilege to serve such a dynamic, growing and enthusiastic community. My role is so diverse each and every day and I get to interact with wonderful people of all ages.


What does a day in the life of school principal look like?

On most occasions today looks nothing like yesterday or tomorrow. When I arrive at school in the morning I expect the unexpected and I’m usually spot on. Although there is a significant administrative and strategic aspect that I have to fulfil, most of my daily role is about connecting with and supporting people so they can best nurture the young people of Encounter.


What did you do for work before this role?

I went straight from school to university and while at Uni I was a swimming coach. Once I had completed my studies I headed straight into a teaching role, so education has always been part of my journey, whichever side of the fence I’ve been on. Working with young people still remains my passion so I’m fortunate I’m still able to do that each and every day.


I can only imagine that a role such as yours is both extremely rewarding and also extremely challenging at times. Please share some insight into those rewarding moments, and maybe touch on the hard ones.

The tough conversations with students, staff or parents are always challenging because the reality is you can’t please everybody. Having to respect the privacy of people also means the community can’t always be privy to the story behind the story, so you have to rely upon people trusting your judgment even when things may not seem fair on the surface.


Having said that, the job is overwhelmingly positive and many of my favourite memories are those I’ve spent on school camps with students. I’ve been privileged to travel to Melbourne, Canberra, Central Australia, Japan, The Grampians, Flinders Ranges, Mt Gambier and plenty of other places with students. Young people often shine when they are in a new environment and those connections are precious and a huge blessing.


The school has had an expansion recently. Can you please share what you have been working on and how the project is going (think it is / was expected to be finished at the end of the year)?

Earlier in the year we completed our Senior Centre, as well as two covered outdoor courts. We have been building for seven of my nine years at Encounter so the change has been amazing but it’s also wonderful to take a breath and consolidate.


Have you always lived in this part of the Fleurieu?

I’ve lived in and around Victor for fourteen of the past twenty years and I can’t think of a better place to live. When most aspects of life are within a ten minute drive, you can’t complain. Having quick access to beaches, walking trails, forests and national parks is also wonderful!


What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work?

The lifestyle on the Fleurieu is something I never take for granted but I also think the people who make up our community are genuine, ‘real’ people who approach life a little differently than they do in the city. The South Coast is so diverse and I think that brings with it a richness that I really appreciate.


On a more personal note, tell us a little about Kelvin and what you love to do out of work.

I have three kids and we love being active, so the beach, bike rides and hikes along the Heysen Trail are top of our list. I also love trail running, so anywhere off the beaten track is my happy place where I can escape the world and stretch my legs.


What is something many locals would not know about you (that you are willing to share!)

I have an eclectic taste in music which used to include Kamahl, The Seekers and Cliff Richard. My tastes have evolved somewhat, but I’m still a fan of diversity in what I tune into.


YOUR TOP TIPS for the Fleurieu Peninsula / Kangaroo Island:


Best place to....


  • Grab a quick bite…



  • Have a more serious feed…

Loco or Eat @ Whalers


  • Get a cuppa…

Qahwa, but at Encounter we have our own café and our resident barista Michael is a legend!


  • Have a beer (or cold drink)…

Usually on my verandah with family and friends.


  • Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere) ...

It’s nice to escape to Langhorne Creek or McLaren Vale, and there’s a few unique wineries along the road from Willunga Hill to Meadows.


  • Go for a dip…

So many to chose from. Middleton, near Chiton rocks, the little beach near the Bluff Jetty. We are blessed with choice.


  • Explore nature…

Depps Beach, between Petrel Cove and Kings Beach. It is a gem!


When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…


  • feel…  at peace


  • always make sure I visit… anywhere in the outdoors. A lap around Granite Island or a walk up The Bluff is hard to beat.


  • stock up on… Pt Elliot Bakery’s donut of the month. Just one to share though.


Best memory of being here:

Seeing my kids grow up in one of the best places on earth.


My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

Do it! You won’t regret a move to the Fleurieu.

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