The Fleurieu App

Sunday Profile: Michelle Noble

The Fleurieu App

Fleurieu App

21 August 2021, 8:30 PM

Sunday Profile: Michelle NobleMichelle with her husband Craig

At the Fleurieu App we often meet people that holiday on the Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island, and then cannot resist the temptation to move here to live and work. Michelle is one of these people.


The experience of setting up her own BNB on the Fleurieu helped Michelle realise her new business potential, and the lure of their holiday home made her and her husband Craig realise what a special part of the world this would be to live permanently.


Today we welcome Michelle Noble to the Sunday profile hot seat.

You are the Director of NobleBNB Pty Ltd. Please share with us what you and your business do. 

We manage short term rentals on Airbnb. We help owners set up their space to maximise the income potential of their home, we organise photography and create their online listing. We then manage everything, from check in’s to cleans and everything in-between.

What is it that got your inspired to start your business?

We bought our home at Aldinga Beach and decided to put it on Airbnb for a few years before we were ready to move in. The learning curve of how to manage an Airbnb was huge. We started checklists and manuals for ourselves and it occurred to us that others would probably have the same learning curves and not have the time to do it all themselves. We loved what we were doing and wanted to do this work full time.

Have you always been in the accommodation industry?

No, prior to NobleBNB I worked in Marketing. Craig still works in the corporate sector and handles the accounting for NobleBNB.

Working in such an industry and location is pretty special. What is it that makes you proud of the place you live and work? 

The people, hands down, people here are amazing, everyone is connected.

Working in the accommodation industry must have its moments (good and bad!), what’s the most memorable?

Coming up with NobleBNB experiences, not knowing if guests would love the concept. Our very first guest at one of our new properties, booked them all and loved them. That was very rewarding.

On a more personal note, tell us a little about Michelle and what you love to do out of work …. (OK if you prefer not too!!!):

I love walking my dog Archie along the Esplanade, no matter what time of year it is there is always a part of the day where it is close to perfect. In warmer weather we take deck chairs and sit on the beach.

The local Aldinga Pub is a fav, what a great job they have done on the renovation! On weekends we like to find hidden gems, last weekend we went and had a drink at Kick Back Brewery and Taphouse.

What is something many locals would not know about you (that you are willing to share!)

I make awesome Gnocchi from scratch and my Sugo is TD4!

Anything else you would like to share?

If your are considering airbnb’ing your home, give me a call and we can have a chat, our consultations are free.

YOUR TOP TIPS for the Fleurieu Peninsula / Kangaroo Island:

Best place to....

  • Grab a quick bite…Home Grain bakery or sushi from Noodle Bowl.
  • Have a more serious feed…Aldinga Bay Café, Best Indian!
  • Get a cuppa… Breeze
  • Have a beer (or cold drink)…Aldinga Hotel
  • Taste some wine (or just enjoy the winery atmosphere) ...Agostino Winery, Fantastic Pizza
  • Go for a dip…Aldinga Beach or Sellicks Beach
  • Explore nature…As above!

When I’m on the Fleurieu and/or KI, I…

  • feel…Relaxed and at home
  • always make sure I visit… Aldinga Bay Cafe
  • stock up on… Eggs from one of the locals

Weirdest thing that’s happened to me here: 

The eye contact I made with a kangaroo in the scrub. I came across him on a walk and we were so close. We just stared at each other. The fear was real but it was also very cool.

Best memory of being here: 

Australia Day on the beach every year.

Most colourful character I’ve run into:

I love seeing the seagull guy at the Aldinga beach carpark, always makes me smile.

My best piece of advice for anyone heading to the region: 

Do your homework and plan only one outing for each day, you will come across so many things to do when you get here! Local wineries are a must.

Any links for further information/social media links for you & your business?

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